Fanglebase: Heldt; "High Speed Combustion Engines", 1946

P.M. Heldt

13th Edition, 1946 (146 Mb HTML)

These are double-page scans of a relatively poor quality original paper copy; for readability, these page images will display 1000 pixels wide instead of the usual 800.

Preface and Table of Contents

Chapter I, "The Otto Cycle" 3.6 Mb
Chapter II, "Conversion of Reciprocating into Rotary Motion" 3.3 Mb
Chapter III, "Balancing of Engines" 3.6 Mb
Chapter IV, "Combustion-Chamber Design - Detonation and Roughness 2.9 Mb
Chapter V, "Engine Cylinders" 6.6 Mb
Chapter VI, "The Crankcase - Engine Mountings" 3.7 Mb
Chapter VII, "Production of Engine Blocks" 4.8 Mb
Chapter VIII, "Piston, Piston Rings and Piston Pin" 10 Mb
Chapter IX, "The Connecting Rod" 4.3 Mb
Chapter X, "Crankshafts and Flywheels" 8.2 Mb
Chapter XI, "Determination of Bearing Loads" 3.1 Mb
Chapter XII, "Torsional Vibration and Vibration Dampers" 7.4 Mb
Chapter XIII, "Engine Valves" 4 Mb
Chapter XIV, "Valve-Actuating Mechanism" 9.3 Mb
Chapter XV, "Camshaft and Accessories Drives" 4.1 Mb
Chapter XVI, "The Working Media - Gasoline and Air" 2 Mb
Chapter XVII, "The Carburetor" 4.5 Mb
Chapter XVIII, "Ignition Equipment" 5.5 Mb
Chapter XIX, "The Otto Cycle" 6.8 Mb
Chapter XX, "Water-Cooling" 5.5 Mb
Chapter XXI, "Air-Cooling" 2.1 Mb
Chapter XXII, "Manifolds and Muffler" 4 Mb
Chapter XXIII, "Speed Control - The Governor" 1.1 Mb
Chapter XXIV, "Engine Characteristics" 5.4 Mb
Chapter XV, "Engine Tests" 5.8 Mb
Chapter XVI, "The Laws of Gases - Thermodynamics" 5.3 Mb
Chapter XVII, "Unconventional Engines" 6.8 Mb

Appendix 1, "Recent Developments In Engine Design and Production" 3.3 Mb
Appendix 2, "Piston Displacement Required for Certain Vehicle Performance" 1.2 Mb
"Plate Supplement, Assembly Drawings of Automotive Engines" 4.8 Mb

Index 2 Mb